Minimatrix now available

I’m happy to announce that Minimatrix is finally ready to go!

Minimatrix is a tiny (3cm x 3cm) battery powered LED matrix display, reprogrammable over infra-red. It displays marquee text and short animations, which can be programmed using an infrared remote control or from a computer via an Arduino or similar development platform. You can even use it as an interactive display by updating it live!

Minimatrix is based around a small single-color LED matrix and an ATTiny4313 microcontroller. It’s powered by a single coin cell battery, which will last for 12-24 hours of continuous operation and months on standby. An IR receiver allows it to receive instructions and data from other embedded devices and standard IR remote controls.

If you’d like a Minimatrix, you can get one for just $12.50 including an IR remote control on Tindie - or use the coupon code NOREMOTE to get the minimatrix on its own for just $10.

Like all my stuff, minimatrix is open source hardware, and the firmware is open source too. You can check out the source files for both on github here.